These are unprecedented times we’re living through, putting pressure and strain on all of us in different ways. You probably know it’s important to eat well during this time – but where to start? Our GCDA colleagues have put together some simple tips and guidance that may help.
• Be a food realist, not a food perfectionist and keep it simple. Nutritious meals can be quick and easy to prepare, for example beans on toast or tinned soup is fine.

• Plan meals in advance. With shopping such a challenge, it’s helpful to know what you plan to eat reducing trips to the shops. Planning can also ensure you use up all the ingredients at home before buying more, preventing waste and saving money. Click this link to find our meal planning sheet. Find ideas to use up leftovers with Love Food Hate Waste
• Variety; it’s the key to a healthy diet. Choose tinned, frozen and dried foods when possible. These are just as nutritious, more affordable, and don’t spoil. For example, tinned fruit (buy in juice, rather than syrup if you can), tinned veg, pulses and fish and frozen fruit, veg, meat and fish.

• Hydration. So important for mental and physical health, but easy to forget. Try keeping a bottle close by and challenge yourself to drink it all throughout the day. And great news, coffee and tea count too, but be aware that caffeine can aggravate stress and disrupt sleep. Minimise sugary drinks, as these fill you with energy that’s hard to burn off, and terrible for your teeth.
• Routine. Spending endless days at home, it’s hard to keep a schedule. But having 3 regular meals, with a healthy snack or 2 can help keep energy levels up. Try to structure your day by setting aside times for meals rather than eating on the go.